Friday, 10 May 2013

'Pubs are Great' Campaign To Promote UK Tourism

A combined initiative to promote British Pubs, who would have thought it?

What is: a great product, one of the world’s greatest institutions and the third most popular reason given by tourists for visiting Britain?…THE BRITISH PUB!

And so the BBPA (British Pub and Beer Association) have teamed up with Visit Britain to launch a campaign to encourage people to visit pubs.

The marketing will be titled 'Pubs are Great' and HMG will be involved, as their Visit Britain campaign will give support to the initiative.

Is this what "Dave" meant when he recently said, "We are going to do more to help the British Pub"? Let's hope so. More of it say I!

Thought for the day: "It's never too late"

Martin Read CMBII
Managing Director of Inn-Dispensable Personal Licence Courses

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