What I know is that for some it will work out brilliantly, for some it will be a disappointment - and yes for some it will be a disaster. But surely that mix should not take away the dream?
The one thing I do know without reservation is that ‘going in blind’ is a recipe for the disaster zone.
There are so called ‘industry experts’ who condemn Pub Companies for leading new entrants along a path of taking on ‘no-hope pubs’, and yet I know (there’s a lot I know, I know) that pub companies take enormous care, face high costs and show great commitment to ensuring all new entrants to their pubs have as much information as possible to prepare them for each pub. This preparation is no guarantee of success of course, just as preparing any athlete to run the 100 metres at the Olympics would not guaranteed them a Gold Medal. It would however point out the reality of the contest and the challenge ahead - the rest is frankly ‘down to them’.
Well, I want to put the record straight … new entrants into the tenanted and lease sectors get fantastic support, advice and training prior to taking their pubs - and I want to share with you some recent feed back from delegates on our latest 5 day course run for one of the largest pub co’s in the UK.
Here goes (all verbatim):-
- “The entire course has been relevant and extremely practical, very impressed”
- “I found the course very helpful as I am just starting out”
- “Very good course, the tutors were wonderful”
- “The course has been relevant and extremely informative and has cleared many questions and issues I could see prior to taking my pub. It has shown me issues in the pub that have to be addressed as soon as possible. All sections of the course have been explained in clear concise terms by the tutors. I strongly recommend using the training available so that I can pass all onto my staff”
- “This was a brilliant course, a brilliant week”
- “Good to come on the course before getting into my pub so that I can take what I have learnt into my new business”
Follow your dream say I, create your own future say I. Be aware however that there are no guarantees for success, BUT failing to prepare is preparing to fail!!
Here endeth the lesson.
Martin Read CMBII
Managing Director of www.inn-dispensable.com Personal Licence Courses
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