Thursday, 11 April 2013

Fantastic Alcohol Course at Historic Brewery

I ran a course recently for delegates to take an ARAR qualification (Award for Responsible Alcohol Retailing) sponsored by the great generosity of SAB Miller and hosted by the great generosity of Hook Norton Brewery.

We were very kindly allowed the privilege of running the session in the oak-panelled, age-old, Board Room of Hooky, a board room which must have had on the agenda; creating a “tied trade” way back in 1859. The directors no doubt discussed the benefits such a system would bring to tenants who did not have the wherewithal to buy their own pubs! So whilst the tied system has its issues today, lets not knock totally a system that in this instance has been successful for over 150 years!

This is a fabulous traditional brewery in the heart of a country village, which was founded in 1849. SAB Miller was of course founded in Johannesburg in 1895, so a youngster compared to Hook Norton.

But my how these two brilliant companies have progressed, and how they both see the value of promoting and supporting “Responsible Alcohol Retailing”. The two businesses combine tradition with modernity and demonstrate the way an age-old industry needs to adapt to current matters.

I would mention that during a coffee break I peeked into the hand-written ledgers in the boardroom and could have stayed there all day fascinated by such history (and prices for a barrel of Hooky!)

A great day for the delegates (all of whom passed) - and a great day for me.

Thank you SAB Miller and Hook Norton, and thank you to the BIIAB for a great qualification.

Martin Read CMBII
Managing Director of Inn-Dispensable Personal Licence Courses

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