Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Latest Research Reveals Alcohol is Good For Health and Sex

I always knew that my dear old Dad was right when he told me "Son, a little of what you fancy does you good … but all things in moderation". Now I learn that my favourite pastime, a visit to the pub for a few jars is good for me!

Tony Edwards, a science journalist and writer, has brought together leading research on the effects of alcohol and found that, far from being harmful, drinking could prevent illness. Red wine is best, and beer works too - but must still be drunk in moderation.

More good news, drinking can improve your sex life! Tony writes: In a 2009 study, the University of Florence asked 800 women aged between 18 and 50 to answer a standard questionnaire on 'female sexual function'. What did they discover? Teetotallers scored 68 per cent on sexual satisfaction, those who regularly drank a single glass of red wine 72 per cent, and those who often drank two glasses 76 per cent. Ah, but is this a causal relationship or just a correlation? In other words, does red wine marginally improve a woman’s sex life, or do the kind of women who choose to drink it also have a good sex life? We don’t know.

Male wine-drinkers haven’t yet had their sex lives investigated. The only data I can find is that a constituent of red wine increases the effectiveness of the erectile dysfunction drug, Levitra — but only if you’re a rat, perhaps some of my male buddies should be aware of this.

Tony also tells us in his new book, 'The Good News About Booze', that drinking is also good for many (many) ailments and writes: A businessman goes to his GP and complains "My hands hurt, I get a bit of a pain in my chest sometimes, and I’m beginning to forget things". The doctor examines him and says "You’ve got a touch of arthritis, possibly mild heart disease, and you may be in the first stages of dementia. How much are you drinking?". "Never touch a drop, doctor" says the patient proudly. "Ah, that explains it" says the GP, wagging an admonishing finger. "Here’s a prescription for red wine and a few pints of bitter".

So, buy his book and read it in the pub! You will get educated and improve your life chances at the same time (you will also be with like minded people) I think the research should also focus on the fact that a visit to the pub is good for you!

Oh, and before I get castigated; of course "Drink Responsibly".

Martin Read CMBII
Managing Director of Inn-Dispensable Personal Licence Courses

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