Friday, 29 November 2013

Alcohol Advertising Ban in Blackpool

There is little doubt that Britain's Las Vegas, Blackpool, is under pressure to maintain its long and hard earned reputation for fun and frolics. It might soon become the ghost town of closed saloons! The lights might go on shining but there will be little fun to be had.

The council there are now seeking to ban all alcohol advertising outside of pubs. Additionally, they're also looking to ban many licensed outlets from remaining open after 3.00am, known as an EMRO (an Early Morning Restriction Order).

So signs of "Fine Ales", "Cask Condition Ales sold here", "Enjoy a Pint of Fine Ale" et al could become a thing of yesteryear in the bastillion town of good Northern beer!

At a council scrutiny committee meeting recently the members concluded that advertising alcohol "helps encourage an acceptance of drinking and re-enforces positive images of alcohol". Well what do you know, that is the very purpose! They have a concern that young people in particular are enticed by such advertising and are seduced into excess consumption.

I am all for the responsible retailing and consumption of alcohol, and the industry really is doing lots to educate the younger drinker of the perils, but introducing more and more laws and restrictions will only serve to make alcohol itself appear like stolen fruit and stolen fruit as we all know is much more attractive!

Education, Education, Education is the answer, not legislation

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