Friday 26 July 2013

Under-age Alcohol Sales Laws Courses

We've been running a few courses recently regarding "Prevention of under-age alcohol sales", with a wide range of delegates from pubs, supermarkets, garages and a number of Licensing Officers attending our training.

As a result, no confusion any more:
  1. No, you can't sell alcohol to a 16 year old when they eat a meal.
  2. No, you can't allow an unaccompanied under 16 year old in without an 18 plus year old to accompany them.
  3. Yes, a 16 year old can drink beer, cider or wine with a meal, providing it is purchased by someone over 18, and they accompany them whilst they eat the meal.
  4. Yes, a 16 year old can enter a licensed premises, unaccompanied.
  5. No, you can't purchase alcohol for anyone under 18.
  6. No, you can't send anyone under 18 to purchase alcohol.
  7. Yes, you can deliver alcohol to an under 18 year old, if it has been purchased by someone over 18.
  8. Oh, and yes, you can be fined up to £5000.
  9. Yes, you can be fined up to £20000 for persistent sales to under 18s.

...and yes there are about 30 other laws and regulations about under age sales.

Want to learn more? Phone 02392 345 679. More courses planned!

Martin Read CMBII
Managing Director of Inn-Dispensable Personal Licence Training

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